
This Blog 

It's just meant to be a place of positivity and inspirational posts that can make your day a little brighter from the viewpoint of personal, written posts in a Christian light. I currently upload a blog post at a minimum of once a month and more often if I have time or inspiration strikes me. I've had this blog since march of 2017 and one could see how not only I have grown as a person but how my writing has grown and my thought process. 

Editor Light 

This is a small business I am starting to begin editing other's creative works, academic papers, etc. I love editing and this is something I'm excited to begin. 

Racing Hearts [On Pause]

Since January 31, 2017, I have been writing my first novel, Racing Hearts, on and off, and I can't wait to publish it someday. 

Racing Hearts follows Lydia Rambert and Brent Winters. Lydia works in a bookshop-cafè and works in the bookshop area, but is soon faced with something very unfamiliar that makes her heart beat faster with uncertainty. Brent is a NASCAR driver—and not the first in the family to do so—and he faces the challenges of fame and the unknown of the future. Everything rides on the decisions that both Lydia and Brent make throughout their journeys. 

The Finish Line Series [On Pause]

I've loved the concept of creating a book series, with Racing Hearts as the first book. I think there's so much to unpack about the characters and the whole story that it would have to be a series. 


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