First Love. First Date.

So... I'm gonna go on my first date with my first love—Jesus.

I asked Him and it sounded like He loved the idea. I think He probably kind of chuckled at the idea because it's just sweet and adorable.

I'm not sure when or where, but I'm going to go somewhere and spend the day with Jesus. I mean, I talk to Him all the time, so being with Him isn't a new thing.

I had never heard of the idea and thought it was perfect. I actually just looked it up and other people have had a date night with Jesus, too, but that won't make mine any less special.

Maybe I'll plan it all out and I'll wait for spring. Maybe I could go on a walk with Him and just soak it all in—Him, His presence, His love, the sun (oops, I mean the Son. lol)!

It's just going to be a time dedicated to loving Him. Yes, I spend plenty of time with Him at home, but the idea of going on a date with Him sounded perfect. I mean, I don't think I'll go out to dinner with Him, it'd look strange talking to an "empty" seat (if I didn't feel like talking in my head), even though I know He'd be there.

He is the most perfect one to fall in love with and I couldn't be happier to have fallen so hard for Him and to know that He caught me.

This won't be a time to go to Him about my troubles, or about how hectic life can be, it'll be a time to just love Him and accept His love that He has for me.

To be honest, I'm actually really excited.

And I don't think it'll be the last of my dates with Him. I mean, I am going to marry Him someday, why not spend more intimate time with my heavenly Groom?

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that.

~The Inspired One


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