Dear Myself In 2018
Dear Myself In 2018, I know you're probably so focused on high school after-school activities, like tennis, theater, and youth group. Not to mention just simply figuring out life and the world around you. But those adult life things that you dream of, God hands them all to you, and he either hands each of them to you slowly or within a blink. Some things will break your heart in your life, like crushes and losing grandparents, but time will mend those. Besides grief, things that used to make you cry don't even bother you anymore. I know you wouldn't believe me if I said it to your face, but you became friends with that guy who crushed your heart, you don't care what some people say who used to say horrible things, and you aren't embarrassed to stick to being yourself. You're such a hopeless romantic at heart and are probably reading some book with a love story thread somewhere in there. Yes, you get married and have the wedding of your dreams. It was perfect. ...